Exhibitor Services Manual

Exhibitor Services Manual 

As the official General Service Contractor, Freeman is pleased to provide you personalized service, quality furnishings and onsite service and solutions to ease the exhibiting process and help elevate your brand.

Freeman OnLine is a quick and easy Web-based option and provides exhibitors with access to all sections of the Exhibitor Services Manual - including information and services offered by Specialty Contractors, as well as valuable information relevant to the Show. Go to Freeman OnLine and place all orders by June 16.


SEMI has partnered with a number of service providers to help you plan for SEMICON West.   SEMI appoints contracts with both Recommended and Exclusive services providers -- all of whom are committed to providing competitive rates and world-class customer services before, as well as during the event.    All official service providers will operate a fully staffed service desk onsite to accommodate your needs.

Exhibitors planning use a non-official contractor (for non-exclusive services only) must notify SEMI Show Management by completing the Exhibitor Designated Contractor (EDC) form within your e-Booth portal.

Vendor seal of approval

To help you identify our official contractor partners, look for this SEMICON West 2015 Official Contractor Seal. Only contractors approved by SEMI may display the seal.


Exhibitors should also be aware of organizations claiming to be official SEMICON West service providers, when In fact they are not.    These service providers are aggressive and often present themselves in a very misleading manner.

  • Directory list scams, particularly: FairGuide and ExpoGuideScam are not associated with SEMI or SEMICON West. 
  • Housing providers claiming to offer lower rates than published within the official SEMICON West Housing Block, or 'secure' rooms and deposit payment at hotels that have sold out.   Leaving exhibitors with no reservations or no recourse for the deposits paid.   The SEMICON West Official Contractor for Housing is Convention Management Resources (CMR).  Booking with CMR guarantees the lowest rates  without fees or pre-payments, exclusive amenities and personalized assistance.
  • Organizations offering to sell an exclusive SEMICON West 2014 attendee list to you.   The ONLY way exhibitors can obtain access to any SEMICON West attendee list is through the list rental service offered by Convention Data Services (CDS).